sudo pacman -S acpi alacritty android-tools arc-gtk-theme base base-devel blueman bluez bluez-utils brightnessctl dmenu dunst efibootmgr firefox flameshot git grub i3-wm i3lock i3status intel-ucode jdk-openjdk linux linux-firmware lxappearance mtpfs neofetch neovim network-manager-applet networkmanager nodejs noto-fonts noto-fonts-cjk npm picom pipewire pipewire-jack pipewire-pulse python-pip python-pipx qbittorrent redshift sof-firmware timeshift tlp torbrowser-launcher ttf-dejavu ttf-font-awesome ttf-liberation ttf-meslo-nerd ufw unzip vlc xclip xorg yt-dlp zip
Base System and Development Tools
- base: Essential packages for Arch Linux
- base-devel: Development tools (compilers, libraries)
- grub: Bootloader for Linux
- efibootmgr: Manages EFI boot entries
- intel-ucode: Microcode updates for Intel processors
- linux: The Linux kernel
- linux-firmware: Firmware for Linux hardware
Graphical Environment and Display Tools
- i3-wm: i3 window manager
- i3lock: Lock screen utility for i3
- i3status: Status bar for i3 window manager
- xorg: X Window system, needed for graphical display
- picom: Compositor for Xorg
- redshift: Adjusts screen color temperature
- dmenu: Dynamic menu for launching apps in i3
- dunst: Notification daemon
- lxappearance: GTK+ theme switcher
- noto-fonts: Noto Sans and Noto Serif fonts
- noto-fonts-cjk: Noto fonts for CJK languages
- ttf-dejavu: DejaVu TrueType fonts
- ttf-font-awesome: Iconic font for symbols
- ttf-liberation: Liberation fonts
- ttf-meslo-nerd: Meslo Nerd Font for terminals
Network and Communication
- blueman: Bluetooth manager
- bluez: Bluetooth protocol stack
- bluez-utils: Bluetooth utilities
- networkmanager: Network connection manager
- network-manager-applet: System tray applet for NetworkManager
- ufw: Uncomplicated Firewall
Terminal and Development Tools
- alacritty: Terminal emulator
- git: Version control system
- neovim: Vim-based text editor
- python-pip: Python package installer
- python-pipx: Tool for installing Python applications
- nodejs: JavaScript runtime environment
- npm: Node.js package manager
- jdk-openjdk: Java Development Kit (OpenJDK)
Multimedia and File Management
- vlc: Media player
- flameshot: Screenshot tool
- mtpfs: Mount MTP devices (for Android)
- qbittorrent: BitTorrent client
- yt-dlp: YouTube downloader tool
Power Management and System Utilities
- acpi: Displays battery status
- brightnessctl: Adjust screen brightness
- timeshift: Backup and restore tool
- tlp: Power management tool for laptops
- sof-firmware: Sound firmware for Intel hardware
Browser and User Experience
- firefox: Web browser
- torbrowser-launcher: Launcher for Tor Browser
Compression and File Handling
- unzip: Utility to unzip .zip files
- zip: Utility to create .zip files
- xclip: Clipboard tool for Xorg